1. How they all got together at the start?
2. Is it really hard in the music industry?
3. How did you come up with the band name? also did you have any other names before this one?
4. Were have you performed?
5. Do you have any upcoming events/gigs?
6. Who writes the songs?
7.How long have you been together as a band?
8. What has been your biggest challenge as a band?
9. What advice do you have to people that want to start a band?
10. How did you all meet?
11. Any last words?
Double page spread
Here is a double page spread that I got of google, this is what i will be basing my double page spread on when it comes to the time of making one. I will look at this one to get the idea of my own.

This front page of a magazine, I will be basing my own one on this, the way the cover lines are set out and were the model is to.
Also I will be using the same colours as this one as I like the way the colours are used. I like the fact that it is spaced out the cover lines and the images so its not all just crammed in together.
Graphs for questionnaire
This graph is to show how many pages would the people want if they bought a magazine, it was out of 50, 100 and 150. As you can tell most people would like the 100 pages one and the least amount of people would not want a magazine with 150 pages in it. Also a few of people would want 50 pages. 
This graph is to show how much the people would pay for a magazine, it was out of £2.50, £3.50 and £4.00. As you can see 13 people picked the £3.50 one as that is a reasonable price to pay for a magazine. 6 people picked £2.50 and 1 person picked £4.00
The last graph is 'Would you like to see different people on the front cover of the magazine. 18 people said they would like to see someone different and two people said that they would like to see the same person every time on the front cover.
When doing my magazine I have made sure that the price that I have picked is the one that most people had chosen that they would prefer to spend on it. I made sure that I had put Exclusive so it shows that its only one time that the person on the front cover would be there, and when the next issue comes out of the magazine then it would be someone different. Finally I have made sure that i have produced 100 pages on the contents page so it shows that I have only put 100 pages in and no more as that is what my question said, no more tan 100.
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